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How do I manage orders in Virtuemart?

How do I manage orders in Virtuemart?

How do I manage orders in Virtuemart?

How ‌can⁤ I customize the ordering process in Virtuemart to fit my business needs

How to Manage ⁤Orders in VirtueMart

Managing orders can be a daunting task ⁢in any eCommerce platform. VirtueMart is no exception. VirtueMart is an open-source eCommerce software used to easily create an online store. ⁣It is built on the Joomla! CMS with ‍a user-friendly interface. But even with its usefulness,‍ managing orders with the ‌software can be a bit tricky. ⁢With the right tips and helpful resources, however, ⁤we can make ‌the task much easier and much more efficient. In this article, we will look at some ways to easily manage ‍orders in VirtueMart.

Creating an Order Status

The first ‍step in managing orders in VirtueMart is⁣ creating ‍the appropriate status for ‍your store. This will help you track all the orders in your store and the status of each. To ‍create a status, go to the VirtueMart component in your⁤ Joomla! CMS, click on the Shop tab in the top menu‌ bar, and then⁢ click on the Order Status in⁤ the left​ nav tab. Here you can add new statuses.

Managing Orders

An ⁢important part⁢ of managing orders in VirtueMart is being able to⁢ quickly and ​easily manage existing orders. To do this, go to the VirtueMart component in your Joomla! CMS, click on the Orders tab in the​ top menu bar, and then click on the List Orders in the left nav tab. Here you can view all the orders and their statuses. You can also ‌filter the orders by status and other options. Additionally, you can easily update the order status, add notes, and more.

Order Notifications

When managing orders in VirtueMart, it is ​also‍ helpful to be able to send order‌ notifications to customers when their order has been processed. The VirtueMart component⁣ in your Joomla! CMS, has an ‌option for this.⁤ To ‍access it, click on the Shopping Cart tab in the top menu bar, and then click on Order and⁢ Shipment Statuses on the left nav tab. Here you can set up different notifications, ⁤such as a ​generic ⁣order submission⁣ or a specific order⁣ status like “Order ‌Completed”.

Automation Tools ‍and Plugins

Finally, you can use automation tools and plugins to help you manage orders in VirtueMart. Automation tools allow you to quickly and easily handle multiple orders at once, saving you⁤ time and energy. Additionally, plugins are very helpful in managing orders as they provide additional features⁢ that are‍ specific to your store’s needs. Some of ‍the best tools and plugins for managing orders⁤ in VirtueMart are⁣ SmartMonitoring, OrderManager, and PSP Integrator.


Managing orders in VirtueMart ‌can be a daunting task, but with the right tips and helpful resources, it doesn’t have to be. By creating the appropriate order statuses, managing orders directly in ​the VirtueMart component, setting up notifications, and using automation tools and plugins, you can easily improve your order management process in ⁢VirtueMart. And if you need help with any big or small project, Free Spirits and F ​SPIRITS can help.

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