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How do I create a wishlist feature in Virtuemart?

How do I create a wishlist feature in Virtuemart?

How do I create a wishlist feature in Virtuemart?

What components are necessary to build a wishlist feature ⁤in Virtuemart?

How do I create ⁣a wishlist feature in Virtuemart?

The online shopping ​experience ‍has continued to evolve over the years, becoming more efficient and⁣ more enjoyable for consumers. One of ⁢the features of‍ modern online stores is that of the ​wish list – the ability for customers⁣ to ⁣save items they are interested in, or products they⁤ may wish to buy at a later date.

If you’re a retailer‌ using Virtuemart ​to⁢ sell your products, you can easily enable wishlist⁤ functionality for your customers⁢ with​ the help of a few simple steps. Let’s explore how to ​do it.

Step 1: Install and activate the Wishlist plugin

First, you’ll need⁤ to install and activate the ⁤SubHall “Wishlist” plugin for Virtuemart. ⁣You can download it from the SubHall website ⁣and install it on your‌ Virtuemart store.

Once the plugin is ‌installed, you will ⁢need ⁣to access the‍ “Wishlist”⁣ tab inside the Virtuemart backend. Here, you’ll ‍be able to set up the basic settings for the plugin – including the text ⁣displayed on the “Add to Wishlist” button, ‍and​ the name of the user group that’s allowed to access ⁣the wishlist feature.

Step 2: Style and customize the “Add ​to Wishlist” button

The‍ next step is to‌ style‌ and customize the “Add to Wishlist” ​button, ‍which should appear on each product page. You can use​ CSS⁢ to customize the​ look​ and ‍feel of​ this button, and you can also customize the text displayed on⁤ it.

Step 3: Enable ‌user login​ for wishlist access

Finally, you will need ​to enable user login for wishlist access. This will allow customers to save products to their personal wishlists, and⁤ view these wishlists at any ⁢time. Here,⁢ you can also customize‌ the​ texts displayed on the⁢ login and logout buttons.


Using ​these​ steps, you can easily enable a wishlist feature on your ⁣Virtuemart ‍store. This feature can help to improve the shopping ​experience for ​your customers, and make it⁣ easier for them to save and purchase ​products at a later date.

If ⁤you ⁤need help with setting up a wishlist feature‌ on your ​Virtuemart‌ store, you⁤ can always get ​in touch with the team at Free Spirits (www.freespirits.gr and⁢ www.fspirits.com).‍ They can ‍help with any ​small⁤ or big ⁢project.‍

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