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How do I configure and manage the OpenLiteSpeed Web Server in CWP7?

How do I configure and manage the OpenLiteSpeed Web Server in CWP7?

How do I configure and manage the OpenLiteSpeed Web Server in CWP7?

‍ How can I ⁤effectively manage the OpenLiteSpeed Web Server in CWP7 to optimize ⁣website performance

How do I⁤ configure‍ and manage the ⁣OpenLiteSpeed⁢ Web Server in CWP7?

Welcome to this ⁤informative article that will guide you through‍ the process​ of configuring and managing the OpenLiteSpeed Web Server in CWP7.‌ OpenLiteSpeed is a high-performance, open-source web ⁤server developed by ⁢LiteSpeed Technologies. CWP7, also known as ‌CentOS Web Panel, is a free web hosting control panel that simplifies the administration of servers.

Step 1: Install OpenLiteSpeed Web Server

The first step is to install OpenLiteSpeed on ⁣your server. ​Follow the steps below:

  • Login to your ⁢server, either via SSH or through the CWP7⁣ control panel.
  • Open a terminal and run the following command to install OpenLiteSpeed:
    bash <(curl -sk https://raw.githubusercontent.com/usmannasir/cwp-lslite/master/lslite.sh)
  • Wait for the installation to complete.

Step 2: Access the OpenLiteSpeed WebAdmin Panel

Once OpenLiteSpeed is installed, you can access the WebAdmin panel to configure and manage the server. Follow the steps below:

  • Open your web browser and ⁤enter the following ‌URL:
  • Replace "your-server-ip" with the ‌actual IP address or hostname of your server.
  • Enter your login credentials‌ when prompted. The default username ⁢is "admin" and ⁢the password can be ⁤found in the "/usr/local/lsws/adminpasswd" file.

Step 3:​ Configure Virtual Hosts

Virtual Hosts allow you to host multiple websites on a single OpenLiteSpeed installation. Follow the steps below to configure virtual hosts:

  • In the WebAdmin panel, ​click on "Virtual Hosts" in the left-side menu.
  • Click on the "+Add" button to create a⁤ new virtual⁣ host.
  • Enter the necessary details, such ‍as the‌ domain name, document root, ⁢and PHP ⁢version.
  • Click on the "Save" ‌button‍ to‌ apply the changes.

Step 4: Manage Server and Services

In the WebAdmin panel,‌ you can manage various aspects of ⁤the OpenLiteSpeed server ⁤and its services. Here‌ are a few useful actions you ⁣can ​perform:

  • To start, stop, or restart⁤ the OpenLiteSpeed server, click on the "Server" tab and use the relevant‍ buttons.
  • To manage PHP settings, extensions, and versions, click on the ⁢"LSAPI" ​tab and make the ⁤necessary changes.
  • To add SSL ‌certificates for secure connections, click on the "SSL"‌ tab and follow the provided instructions.

With these‍ steps, you should now be ‌able to configure and manage⁢ the OpenLiteSpeed Web Server in CWP7. Remember to regularly update and ⁤secure your server to ensure‌ optimal performance and reliability.

By Free Spirits

At⁤ Free Spirits, we provide ‍fast,‍ stable, and reliable hosting based on the CWP7 project. If you need assistance or want to learn more about our services,⁢ please visit our websites www.freespirits.gr and www.fspirits.com.

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