How does AzuraCast handle song requests that require moderation
Does AzuraCast Support Automatic Song Request Approval or Moderation?
AzuraCast is an open-source streaming solution designed for radio station owners and small business owners who want to manage and create a premium streaming experience for their listeners. With AzuraCast, users can easily host radio stations over the internet with minimal setup. But when it comes to song request management, does AzuraCast have any support for automating song request approval or moderation?
AzuraCast Song Request Management Options
AzuraCast doesn’t offer an automated process for approving or moderating song requests. However, it does offer users various ways to manage and visualize requests to ensure their station is playing the music their listeners are requesting.
Manual Management
For small radio station owners, manual management is an option. With manual management, station owners can log into their AzuraCast station’s web interface and view song requests in real time. From there, station owners can approve, reject, or queue up requests. While this isn’t an automated process, it is a great way for station owners to manually manage their songs requests.
Voting System
For radio stations that receive large numbers of requests, AzuraCast offers a voting system. With this system, users can vote thumbs up or thumbs down on each song request. This allows station owners to quickly get an idea of what songs their listeners want to hear and makes it easier to manage the flow of requests.
Request Moderator Addon
For radio stations looking for a more automated way to manage their song requests, there is the Request Moderator addon. The Request Moderator addon is a third-party add-on for AzuraCast that allows users to set up rules to automatically approve or reject requests. This means station owners will never have to manually approve or reject requests again.
AzuraCast offers several options for managing song requests, both manual and automated. While AzuraCast does not offer an automated process for approving or moderating requests, users can take advantage of the options available to make managing requests much easier. At Free Spirits, we can help you with any Azuracast web radio project and provide professional and reliable e-radio services. Visit our main websites and to get started.