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Does AzuraCast offer an option for displaying “currently playing” information on my website?

Does AzuraCast offer an option for displaying “currently playing” information on my website?

Does AzuraCast offer an option for displaying “currently playing” information on my website?

What features of AzuraCast enable the display of currently playing information on my website?

Does AzuraCast ⁢offer an option for ‍displaying “currently playing” information on my website?

Do you run⁤ an internet radio station and are looking for a way to display “currently⁢ playing” information on your website? AzuraCast is an open-source, web-based software solution for creating and managing radio-style audio streaming stations. It supports audio stream hosting from a variety of ‍services, including Shoutcast and Icecast. One of the ​features it ⁣offers is the ability to display ‌“currently playing” information on your website.

How does it work?

AzuraCast has a built-in “currently playing” feature, which allows you to ‌easily ​display real-time‌ information about​ what’s currently ⁣playing on ⁣your⁢ radio station. It does this by‌ leveraging the metadata streams ⁣provided by the streaming services you’re using. It can​ display this‍ information ‌as a⁢ simple text listing, or you can specify a custom HTML template for a more advanced look.

At its core, AzuraCast’s “currently playing” feature⁤ is designed to be straightforward and​ easy to use. Once your⁢ radio station is up and running, ⁣you⁢ can set it up ‍using the Settings page ⁤in the‍ AzuraCast Dashboard.

Using a Plugin

If you’d like to display your “currently ​playing” information on your website, but don’t ⁢want to mess with custom HTML or a third-party system, ​there is an⁣ easy solution: a plugin. You can find a number of ⁤plugins available for popular web⁢ development platforms like WordPress and Joomla. These plugins make it easy to display “currently playing” information on⁤ your website in a matter of minutes. ⁤


AzuraCast provides⁣ an easy way to display‍ “currently playing” information on your website.​ It’s⁢ a straightforward solution that can be set up with ​just a few clicks in the AzuraCast Dashboard. Additionally, there are a number of plugins available for popular web development ​platforms​ that ‍make it easy to display⁣ “currently playing”​ information on your website.

At Free Spirits, we can help ‍with​ any Azuracast web ​radio ​project. We provide the fastest,⁤ reliable e-radio ⁣services. Be sure to​ check our⁢ main websites www.freespirits.gr and www.fspirits.com for​ more information.

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Constantinos Albanidis

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