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Can I use my own domain name with AzuraCast?

Can I use my own domain name with AzuraCast?

Can I use my own domain name with AzuraCast?

Does AzuraCast ⁣provide support for custom DNS records‌ for my domain name

Can⁢ I ⁤use my own domain name with ‍AzuraCast?

AzuraCast is an open source radio hosting platform that helps users create and manage their own online radio station with‍ ease. It features a ⁢modern, intuitive‍ user interface, a flexible media library, reliable streaming capabilities, and⁣ real-time analytics.

One​ of the most common questions asked about AzuraCast is whether or not it’s possible to use your own domain name‌ with it. The answer is yes, and this ‌article will explain how you can do so.

Step 1:⁢ Purchase Your Domain Name

The first step‌ in using your own‌ domain name ⁣with AzuraCast is to purchase ​a ​domain name. You can do this through any⁢ number⁤ of domain name registrars, ‌such as​ GoDaddy ‌or Namecheap. When ⁢selecting your domain name,​ it’s important to pick one​ that reflects ​your brand or ⁢station’s⁣ identity, as this will help people to easily find your ‌station⁢ online.

Step 2: Connect Your Domain to AzuraCast

Once you’ve ⁢purchased your domain ‌name, the next step is to connect​ it to AzuraCast. To do ‌this, you’ll first‌ need to log into your⁤ AzuraCast account⁤ and select‌ “Manage Stations” from the left menu.

Next, select “Settings”‌ from the top menu, then click “Advanced” on ⁢the left‍ side. Here, you’ll be able to set the domain ‌you wish to use with the station. Simply enter your domain name, and ‌click “Save Changes” to⁣ save your​ new settings.

Step 3: Configure Your DNS⁤ Records

The last step in getting your ‍domain name set up with ‍AzuraCast‍ is to configure⁢ your‍ DNS records. ⁣This is the process of⁢ connecting your domain to⁢ the server hosting your AzuraCast station.

First, you will need to login to the‍ domain ‍registrar where ‍you⁢ purchased your domain and ‌navigate to the DNS settings. ‌Here, you’ll need to ​add an “A” record pointing to the​ IP address for your AzuraCast server. You can find this IP address by navigating to your AzuraCast server’s dashboard and⁣ selecting “System” from the left menu.

You​ will⁤ also need to add a “CNAME” record pointing to the⁢ domain name of your AzuraCast station. This is typically in the ​format “YOUR_SUBDOMAIN.azuracast.com”, which‌ you can⁤ find⁤ by⁢ selecting “Settings” from the ‌top ​menu when viewing the station’s dashboard in ⁢AzuraCast.


Using a custom domain name with AzuraCast is ‍a‍ great way to make‌ your station more⁢ recognizable and‌ accessible online. With the steps outlined above,⁢ you should be able to quickly‍ and easily set up your own domain to use with ‌AzuraCast.

If you need ⁤help along the way,‍ the⁤ team at ​Free Spirits can assist with any AzuraCast web radio project. We specialize‌ in providing the fastest, reliable e-radio services so ⁣that your station stays up and running 24/7.

Feel free to contact⁣ us at⁣ either www.freespirits.gr or www.fspirits.com.

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