What features are available for Virtuemart abandoned cart recovery?
Can I set up Abandoned Cart Recovery in Virtuemart?
Millions of digital shoppers every day checkout from an online store without actually buying anything. While the reasons for this can differ greatly, one common source of concern is the abandoned cart syndrome. The good news is, there’s a way to mitigate this problem: by setting up an abandoned cart recovery system for your Virtuemart store.
What is Abandoned Cart Recovery?
Abandoned cart recovery is an automated process of contacting customers who have filled their online shopping cart with selected items, but did not go ahead to complete the purchase. The goal of this process is to encourage the customer to complete the purchase so that the sale is finalized.
How to Set Up Abandoned Cart Recovery in Virtuemart?
Setting up abandoned cart recovery in Virtuemart isn’t as difficult as it may seem. You can do it with the help of a plugin such as V awesome Abandoned Cart Email & SMS Reminder for Virtuemart. This plugin helps you to schedule automated email and SMS notifications to customers reminding them about their unfinished purchases.
It also gives you the ability to customize the email templates to make them more appealing to customers. Additionally, you can set the frequency and timing of the notifications, and even track the performance of the campaigns with real-time analytics.
Setting up abandoned cart recovery in Virtuemart can help you drive more conversions and improve your customer loyalty. If you need any help with this project, we at Free Spirits and FSPIRITS.com are here to assist you. Contact us today to launch your abandoned cart recovery campaign.