Is there a maximum file size for pre-recorded shows broadcast on AzuraCast
Can I broadcast pre-recorded shows on AzuraCast?
AzuraCast is an open source streaming software that offers an all-in-one solution for web radio broadcasting. It’s free, secure, and simple to set up and manage your own web radio station from your own music collection or online sources. But what if you would like to broadcast pre-recorded shows, podcasts, or other audio files?
The short answer is: Yes, you can broadcast pre-recorded shows on AzuraCast. In order to do this you will have to make use of the AutoDJ feature that AzuraCast provides. This feature will enable you to automatically play your audio files on a continuous loop, allowing you to broadcast your pre-recorded shows.
Setting up AutoDJ on AzuraCast is quite straightforward. First you will need to upload your audio files to the AzuraCast file storage (or link to an external location such as an Amazon S3 bucket). Then you will need to create a basic playlist with your audio files and set it as an active playlist for your AutoDJ service. To configure the AutoDJ settings you will need to access the AzuraCast dashbaord and configure the playout order for your audio files, select if and when an automatic transition should occur, and set the streaming rate for your audio files.
AzuraCast offers several other plugins and options in order to make your web radio’s broadcast easier. For example, there are plugins that will enable you to stream live audio from other sources, and there are bulk-uploaders that allow you to easily upload multiple audio files into your playlist.
At Free Spirits, we can help at any Azuracast web radio project providing the fastest, reliable e-radio services. Visit our main websites and for reference.