What is the process for changing the timezone settings in Joomla?
How Do I Change the Timezone Settings in Joomla?
Joomla is an open-source content management system that enables users to create their own websites. It is used by a variety of organizations for managing their content, including blogs, forums, online stores, and more. If you need to adjust the timezone settings of your Joomla website, here is a guide on how to get it done.
Step 1: Access the Global Configuration
To first access the global configuration page in Joomla, you will need to log in as a Super Administrator. Once logged in, click on the “System” option, and then click on “Global Configuration.”
Step 2: Change the Timezone Setting
On the Global Configuration page, scroll down until you see the “Server” option, and then expand the “Server” option. Here you will see a blank field, which is where you can set the timezone for your website. You can scroll through the list of available timezones and select the appropriate one for your website.
Step 3: Set the Default Timezone for User Accounts
Another important setting you may need to update is the default timezone for user accounts. To do this, click on the “User Manager” option, followed by the “Options” button. On this page, scroll down until you see the “Default Time Zone” option. This is where you can set the default timezone for all of the user accounts on your Joomla website.
These are the steps you need to take to change the timezone settings of your Joomla website. If you need additional help in setting up your Joomla website, consider using an external resource or plugin. Also, at Free Spirits, we can help with any Joomla project while providing fast, stable, and reliable l'hébergement"target="_blank">hébergement based on the CWP7 project. If you would like to learn more, please visit our websites at www.freespirits.gr et www.fspirits.com.