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What features are available in the CWP7 user panel?

What features are available in the CWP7 user panel?

What features are available in the CWP7 user panel?

Which specific features are included in the CWP7 user panel

What features are available in the CWP7 User Panel?

Welcome to Free Spirits, your trusted Hosting provider based on the CWP7 project. Our fast, stable, and reliable Hosting solutions are designed to meet all your website and application needs. With our user-friendly control panel, you can easily manage your Hosting environment and take full control over your website. Here are some of the key features available to you:

1. File Manager

Manage your website files easily using the integrated File Manager. With its intuitive interface, you can upload, download, rename, delete, and edit files directly within your Hosting account. It also supports file compression and extraction, enabling you to work with archived files effortlessly.

2. Database Management

Efficiently handle your databases with the help of the Database Management tool. Create, import, export, and delete databases with a few clicks. Additionally, the tool allows you to manage database users and assign privileges for better security and control.

3. DNS Zone Editor

Easily configure and manage your DNS settings with the DNS Zone Editor. From creating new DNS records to editing existing ones, this tool offers complete control over your domain’s DNS configuration. Managing records such as A, CNAME, MX, TXT, and more is a breeze.

4. FTP Access

Establish secure and convenient file transfer using the FTP Access feature. Through this, you can securely transfer files between your local machine and the Hosting server. Set up multiple FTP accounts with different permissions to grant access to specific directories.

5. Email Management

Effectively manage your email accounts and settings with the Email Management tool. Create new email accounts, set up email forwarding, enable autoresponders, and manage mailbox storage. The user-friendly interface simplifies the management of your email communication.

6. Application Installer

Install popular web applications effortlessly using the Application Installer. Choose from a wide range of applications, including content management systems like WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal. This tool helps you save time and effort by automatically installing and configuring your chosen applications.

7. SSL Certificate Manager

Secure your website with ease using the SSL Certificate Manager. Generate and install SSL certificates for your domains, ensuring secure data transmission between your website and your visitors. Improve trust, search engine rankings, and overall security of your online presence.

These are just a few of the many powerful features available in the CWP7 User Panel. At Free Spirits, we are committed to providing top-notch Hosting services to support your online endeavors. Experience fast, stable, and reliable Hosting today by visiting our websites www.freespirits.gr und www.fspirits.com. We look forward to serving you!

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Wir von FreeSpirits Web Services sind der Meinung, dass Ihre Online-Präsenz die Einzigartigkeit und den Geist Ihres Unternehmens widerspiegeln sollte. Unser Team aus erfahrenen Designern und Entwicklern widmet sich der Erstellung von visuell beeindruckenden und benutzerfreundlichen Websites, die das Wesen Ihrer Marke widerspiegeln. Von fesselnden Webdesigns bis hin zu nahtloser Funktionalität bieten wir umfassende Webdienste, die auf Ihre speziellen Bedürfnisse zugeschnitten sind. Ganz gleich, ob Sie ein kleines Unternehmen oder ein Großkonzern sind, unser Fachwissen im Bereich Webdesign und -entwicklung sorgt dafür, dass sich Ihre Website von der Masse abhebt, Besucher anzieht und zu Ergebnissen führt. Erleben Sie die Freiheit einer schön gestalteten Website, die den Geist Ihres Unternehmens verkörpert, mit FreeSpirits Web Services.

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