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What are product discounts and how do I apply them in Virtuemart?

What are product discounts and how do I apply them in Virtuemart?

What are product discounts and how do I apply them in Virtuemart?

2) How ⁢does the application of product discounts work in ​Virtuemart

What are Product Discounts and ⁣How Do I Apply Them‌ in ⁣Virtuemart?

Product discounts are​ promotional‍ opportunities that allow merchants to‍ provide pricing advantages to their customers. Depending on the store, discounts can ⁣include special offers ⁣that range from flat discounts to free ‍or ​reduced shipping costs. ‌The implementation ⁣of product discounts can vary depending on the platform used to run the⁣ store, and this article will focus on⁢ the steps⁣ needed to setup⁢ product discounts in Virtuemart.

Setting Up Product Discounts in Virtuemart

To offer product discounts‍ with Virtuemart, you must first install extensions or Plugins that enable functionality to achieve your goal. Without a dedicated plugin⁣ to⁢ enable ⁣coupon and discount codes, ​adding discounts to Virtuemart products is a laborious​ effort. To get⁤ started ‌with discounts in Virtuemart, you should consider installing ⁣extensions such as⁢ RedShop or Discount Based on Quantity.

Using ⁢RedShop

RedShop is​ an⁢ extension of Virtuemart that ⁢allows‍ merchants to issue product discounts. It provides coupons specific to the products ‍in your store, which ⁣you can ⁢utilize in different ways. Coupons can be issued at a per-product basis, or if your goal is to offer discounts across product lines, you can ‌run global coupons that are valid across all ⁣products in your‌ store. Setting up discount ​coupons in RedShop is easy, as you​ only need to setup ⁢the discount code in the appropriate backend.

Using Discount Based on Quantity

Discount Based on Quantity is another ⁤extension that ‌allows merchants to setup ⁣product⁤ discounts in ⁢Virtuemart stores. As its name suggests, this plugin allows‍ merchants to offer discounts that are based on the quantity of⁣ the items purchased. Setup⁣ involves setting up ‍minimum quantity requirements and associated ⁢discounts in​ the plugin’s⁤ backend. These discounts are then automatically applied to ⁣the computer-generated bills whenever the ‌quantity threshold is met.


Product discounts are powerful⁢ tools that allow merchants⁤ to remain ⁤competitive in an⁣ increasingly​ crowded marketplace. Setting up discounts ⁣in Virtuemart requires extra effort, ‍but the ⁣results are clear: customers are more likely to⁢ buy ‍items when discounts are present.

If‌ you need help setting up product discounts⁢ in Virtuemart, Free Spirits ⁤www.freespirits.gr and www.fspirits.com can ⁣help you with any small or big project.

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