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Is it possible to set up an auto-DJ function on AzuraCast?

Is it possible to set up an auto-DJ function on AzuraCast?

Is it possible to set up an auto-DJ function on AzuraCast?

How does AzuraCast’s auto-DJ function work

Is it possible to set up an auto-DJ function on AzuraCast?

Are you thinking of setting up an auto-DJ on your AzuraCast web radio station? The good news is that, yes, it is possible to do just that. In this article, we’ll help you understand the process and walk you through how to set up an auto-DJ function on AzuraCast.

What is an Auto-DJ?

First, let’s make sure we define what an auto-DJ is. An auto-DJ is a feature for web radio stations that allows them to have continuous, automated playback of music, talk shows, or any other type of content. This means the station can continue to broadcast even during live downtime. The auto-DJ will take over and keep playing content until a live show is resumed or another human-administered event is triggered.

Setting up an Auto-DJ on AzuraCast

Now let’s get into how to actually set up an auto-DJ for your AzuraCast web radio station. A major caveat for auto-DJ setups is that they require specific file types, usually in MP3 format. You’ll need to make sure you have content in the right format before going through the setup process.

Once you’re sure your music files are compatible, it’s time to start setting up the auto-DJ:

  • Log in to your AzuraCast admin interface.
  • Navigate to “Setup” → “Infrastructure” → “Services.”
  • Toggle the Service “AutoDJ.”

AzuraCast will now start preparing for the auto-DJ setup. After re-configuring, select “Add a new AutoDJ configuration.” You can then specify a station for which the auto-DJ will be used.

In the activation window, you’ll be asked to set the radio station’s auto-DJ time. This is the amount of time between each individual track. Once you’ve set this, select “Activate AutoDJ,” and you’ll be ready to start using AzuraCast’s built-in auto-DJ feature.

Verwendung von Plugins to Extend Auto-DJ Functions

The stock AzuraCast auto-DJ feature is very basic, and if you’re hoping to get more out of your station’s automated playback, you’ll want to look into using Plugins.

Plugins like RadioAPI, located on the AzuraCast website, can add capabilities like song requests, streaming scheduling (which lets you schedule playlists to play on certain dates and times) and more advanced matching/playlisting algorithms.

A Repeatable Process

To summarize, yes, it is possible to set up an auto-DJ for your AzuraCast web radio station. In terms of the steps involved, it’s fairly straightforward. The most critical piece is being sure you’ve got the right content in the right format. After that, it’s just a matter of a few steps to update the auto-DJ settings in the admin interface.

If you need more advanced features, you can look into Plugins like RadioAPI to extend the capabilities of the AzuraCast auto-DJ feature.

At Free Spirits, we can help at any Azuracast web radio project providing the fastest, reliable e-radio services. If you ever need assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out – we’d love to help. Just visit our websites www.freespirits.gr und www.fspirits.com for more information.

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