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How do I use the built-in Joomla caching system effectively?

How do I use the built-in Joomla caching system effectively?

How do I use the built-in Joomla caching system effectively?

What options are available in the⁣ Joomla caching⁣ system?

How do I use the built-in Joomla caching system‍ effectively?

Caching ‍is an important part of maintaining a website that is built⁢ on ​the Joomla platform. Caching can help to speed​ up page loading time, reduce server load, and overall increase ​website performance. In this article, we’ll⁢ look‍ at how to use ‍the built-in Joomla caching system effectively to get the most out of your Joomla​ site.

1. Enable Joomla Caching

The first step‌ to using Joomla caching is to enable it. To do‍ this, log into the Joomla administration area, ⁤and ⁣then go to Extensions » Plugins. Find the plugin System - Cache and then click⁣ on‌ the green checkmark icon to the ⁢left to enable it.

2. Choose the Right Cache Settings

Once the plugin has⁤ been enabled, it should​ be configured for the best performance. The most important settings to consider are:

  • Cache Handler: This is the type of caching you want to⁣ use.‍ The default option is File Caching,⁤ but ⁢for improved performance, it ​is ‍best to use Memcache or Redis.
  • Expire ⁢Time: This setting determines how long a ​cached page will‍ be used before it‍ is regenerated. It is best to set this‍ to a value ⁣that is relative to the ‌rate of content changes on your site.
  • Page ⁤Cache: This option enables page caching, which is useful for pages that don’t often change. It is best to enable page caching when using the File ​Caching handler.
  • GZIP Compression: ‌This setting⁤ enables gzip⁤ compression,‍ which‍ can help ⁤to reduce​ page loading time even further.

3. Use a Caching Plugin or⁣ External Service

If you want even better​ performance‌ from your Joomla caching‌ system, you⁤ may want⁤ to consider‍ using a caching plugin or an external caching service. These services can provide additional features such as page ‌optimization‌ and content delivery network ⁤(CDN) integration. Examples of caching Plugins and services include JotCache, Siteground SuperCacher, and WP Fastest⁢ Cache.


Caching is an important aspect of running‌ a successful⁢ Joomla website. By enabling the built-in caching system and choosing the right settings, you⁢ can get​ the most out of your Joomla website.⁢ Additionally, you may want to ⁣consider using a caching plugin ⁢or ⁢external ⁤service for even better performance. At Free Spirits, we can help you with any Joomla project and provide fast, stable, and reliable Hosting based ​on the CWP7 project. For more information, please check ⁤out www.freespirits.gr und www.fspirits.com.

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