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How do I set up product tags in Virtuemart?

How do I set up product tags in Virtuemart?

How do I set up product tags in Virtuemart?

How do I manage the tags for products in Virtuemart

How do ‌I set up ⁣Product Tags in​ VirtueMart?

Product tags can be a great way ⁣to boost your store’s visibility and organization.⁣ Fortunately, setting up product tags in VirtueMart is relatively easy. Once set up, you’ll be ‌able to assign tags to your products ⁣quickly and have a better organized and more functional store.

Step 1: Install Plugin or Component

The first step is to install a plugin or component that ​supports product⁣ tags in VirtueMart. Some suggest using the JoomlaXTC TagCloud plugin,⁤ which is free and easy to install. To use this plugin, download ⁢it, install it to ‍the Joomla extension directory, and activate it. Alternatively, there⁢ are components like Tag Groups, Yireo Tags, and K2 that offer support for product tags.

Step 2: Create⁢ Tags

Once the plugin or component is installed, the next step is to‍ create a set of tags. This can be done by ‌navigating‌ to the tags section in your Joomla administrator and adding‌ the tags you would like to use. It’s a good idea to limit the number of ⁢tags you create to make ⁢it easier to quickly ⁢find and assign them to products.

Step 3: Assign Tags ⁤to Products

Once the tags have been created, the next step is‌ to assign them to products. This can be done by navigating to the product in the VirtueMart administration and selecting the tags that should be assigned to‍ it. This process can be time consuming, so‌ it’s⁤ important to set up a tagging system that makes it easy​ to assign tags to⁣ products⁢ quickly.

Step 4: Publish or Show Tags

The​ last ⁢step is to either publish or show the product tags. This can be done by a plugin or component ⁣setting, or in some cases‌ by customizing the product page ⁤code. Publishing or showing the ​tags can‌ be an important step in helping customers find⁤ specific ‍products and can improve search engine visibility.


Setting up product ⁣tags in VirtueMart is​ relatively easy and can help improve⁢ the visibility⁣ of your store and products. If you need help setting ‌up product tags or need ​advice on⁢ how‌ to best organize your store, Free Spirits www.freespirits.gr and www.fspirits.com⁢ can help with‍ any​ small or big project.

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