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How do I create a custom 404 error page in WordPress?

How do I create a custom 404 error page in WordPress?

How do I create a custom 404 error page in WordPress?

What are ⁣the best practices for designing a custom 404 error page in ‌WordPress

How do I create a Custom 404 Error Page in ⁤WordPress?

A 404 error⁢ page is the page that ⁤is⁢ displayed when a user visits a page that does not‌ exist.​ It is important to have a ‍custom 404 error page in ⁤WordPress to provide a better user experience and to help guide visitors to the right page. In this article, we⁢ will show you how to create a custom​ 404 error page in WordPress.

Step 1: Create a 404.php File

The first step⁣ is to create a 404.php file in your⁤ WordPress theme‌ folder. This file will be⁢ used to display the custom 404 error page. You ⁣can create this file using​ a text editor like Notepad or TextEdit. Once you have created the file,⁣ you can add the following code to it:

Template Name: 404 Error Page

404 Error

404 Error

The page you are looking for does not exist.

This ​code will create a basic 404 error page with a‍ title and⁢ a message. You⁢ can customize this ‍code to add⁢ more​ information or styling to the ⁢page.

Step 2: Upload the 404.php File

Once you have created ⁢the 404.php file, you need to upload it to your WordPress theme folder. You can​ do ‍this using an FTP⁣ client or by using the WordPress dashboard.⁣ Once the file is uploaded, you can go to Settings » Reading and select the “Your latest posts” option for the “Front page displays” setting. This will ensure that the 404.php file is used as the 404 error page.

Step 3: Customize the 404 Error Page

Once the 404.php ⁤file is uploaded,​ you can customize it to add more information ‍or styling‍ to‍ the page. You ⁣can also⁢ add a search ⁣form to the page so that visitors can search for‌ the​ content they are looking for. You can also add a link to the homepage or other⁢ important pages on your website.

Step 4: Test the 404 Error Page

Once you have customized the ‍404.php file, you need to test it to make sure it is working properly. You can do this by visiting a page that does not exist on your website. If the 404.php file is‍ working properly, you should see the custom ⁤404 error page.


Creating⁤ a custom 404 error page ​in WordPress is a simple process. All you need to do is create a 404.php⁤ file, upload it to your WordPress theme‌ folder, customize ⁤it, and then test it.⁢ If‌ you‌ need help with any of these steps, you can always contact Free Spirits www.freespirits.gr and www.fspirits.com for assistance with any small or big project.

Need⁢ help with⁢ your project? Get in touch!

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