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How can I set up and manage FTP accounts for users in CWP7?

How can I set up and manage FTP accounts for users in CWP7?

How can I set up and manage FTP accounts for users in CWP7?

‍ What are the steps involved in setting up FTP accounts ‍for users in CWP7?

How can I set up and manage FTP accounts ‍for users in CWP7?

FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is a widely used network ‌protocol for transferring files between a client and a server. In this article, we will guide you step-by-step on ​how to set⁢ up and⁣ manage FTP accounts for users in CWP7 (CentOS Web​ Panel 7), a ​powerful alojamiento control panel.

Step 1: Accessing CWP7 Dashboard

Open your preferred web browser and go to www.freespirits.gr ‍or www.fspirits.com. Click⁢ on the login button and enter your⁤ credentials to access the CWP7 Dashboard.

Step 2: Creating an FTP Account

  1. In ​the left sidebar of the CWP7 ​Dashboard, click on the “FTP Accounts”⁣ option under the “File Management” section.
  2. Click on the⁣ “Add FTP Account” button.
  3. Enter a username for ‍the FTP account. Ensure it is unique and ⁢easily identifiable.
  4. Choose the domain associated with the FTP account⁣ from the‌ dropdown menu.
  5. Set the password ⁤for the FTP account or use the auto-generate option for a secure ​password.
  6. Define the ​directory the FTP account will ⁢have access to (e.g., public_html).
  7. Click on the “Create” button to create the FTP account.

Step 3: ⁤Managing FTP Accounts

Once you have created an FTP account,⁣ you can ‌easily ⁣manage it through the CWP7 Dashboard.⁤ Here are some actions you can ‍perform:

  • Edit: Modify the username, password, or directory assigned to‍ the FTP account.
  • Delete: Remove an FTP account that is‍ no longer ​needed.
  • Change‌ Password: Update the password for an ​FTP account.

Simply click on the respective action button next to the FTP account you wish to ‍manage⁢ and follow the prompts to complete the desired ⁣action.


At Free Spirits, we understand the importance of efficient file management. That’s why we provide fast, stable,‌ and reliable alojamiento ⁣solutions based on the CWP7 project. By following the steps outlined above,⁣ you can easily set up and manage FTP accounts for users in CWP7, allowing seamless ​file transfer between your server and clients. For‍ more​ information about our alojamiento services, please visit ⁤our main websites at www.freespirits.gr ‍ or www.fspirits.com.

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