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Τι είναι οι permalinks και πώς μπορώ να τους προσαρμόσω στο WordPress;

Τι είναι οι permalinks και πώς μπορώ να τους προσαρμόσω στο WordPress;

Τι είναι οι permalinks και πώς μπορώ να τους προσαρμόσω στο WordPress;

Πώς μπορώ να προσαρμόσω ένα permalink στο WordPress

Τι είναι τα Permalinks και πώς μπορώ να τα προσαρμόσω στο WordPress?

Permalinks are permanent URLs that‌ are used to⁢ link to‌ specific content⁢ on⁢ a website. They are used ⁣to make it⁤ easier for users to find and access content, as ​well as ⁤to help search engines index content more ‍effectively.⁢ In WordPress, permalinks are⁤ used to link to posts, pages, ⁤categories, tags, and other⁢ content.

By default, WordPress uses a simple URL structure for permalinks,​ which includes the post ID and the ⁤post name. This structure is easy to understand and use, but it is not very SEO-friendly.⁣ Fortunately, WordPress ‌allows you to customize your permalinks to make them more ​SEO-friendly and easier ‍to ⁤remember.

How to Customize⁤ Permalinks in WordPress

To customize your permalinks in WordPress, go to the Ρυθμίσεις ⁤ > Permalinks page in your WordPress dashboard. On this page,⁤ you ​will ⁣see a list of available​ permalink structures. You can​ choose one of these structures, or ⁣you can create⁢ your⁢ own ⁤custom structure.

When creating a custom permalink structure, you can use a‌ variety of‌ tags to​ create a unique URL for each post or ⁤page. For ‌example, you can use the %postname% tag‍ to include ‍the post name in⁤ the URL, or the %category% tag to include the category⁢ name. You can⁣ also use the %year% και ‍ %monthnum% tags to include the year ‍and month in the URL.

Once⁢ you have‍ chosen or ⁢created a ​permalink structure, click the Αποθήκευση αλλαγών button to save your changes. Your new permalink structure will be applied to ⁣all of your posts and pages.

Plugins to Help Customize Permalinks

If you want to customize your permalinks even further, ⁣there are a number‌ of plugins available that can help. For example,‌ the Custom‍ Permalinks plugin allows‍ you to create custom permalinks for‍ each post or ‌page. The Custom Permalinks‌ Editor plugin‍ allows you to edit existing permalinks, ‌and ‌the Custom ⁢Permalinks Pro plugin‍ allows you to create‍ custom permalinks for categories, tags, and other content.

No ⁢matter what type of customization you need for your permalinks, there is likely a plugin⁤ that can help. Be sure to read ⁣the plugin descriptions carefully to make sure that the plugin ⁢will meet your​ needs.


Permalinks are ‌an important⁣ part of any WordPress⁣ website, and customizing them‍ can help make your⁤ content easier to ‌find ⁤and more SEO-friendly. Fortunately, WordPress makes it easy to customize your​ permalinks, and there are a number of plugins available to help you customize them even further. If you need help customizing your⁣ permalinks, Free Spirits www.freespirits.gr and www.fspirits.com can ⁣help with any small ‍or big project.

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