How can I set up automated rent renewal processes for recurring products in Virtuemart
Can I offer product rentals with flexible pricing options in Virtuemart?
Yes, it is possible to offer product rentals with flexible pricing options in Virtuemart. When offering rental services online, the web store needs to be configured in a way that it allows the customer to select the rental period and be charged or billed accordingly. In Virtuemart, custom fields can be used to set up structured pricing rules for the products in the store.
Steps to set up flexible pricing options in Virtuemart:
1. Create custom fields
The first step is to create and configure custom fields for the product in the Virtuemart store. These custom fields will be used to define values for different rental periods, such as hourly, daily, weekly, and monthly.
2. Define product rental rates
Once the custom fields are created, the next step is to define product rental rates for each of the custom fields. The rates can be defined based on the duration of the rental period, the number of times the product is rented, or any other criteria.
3. Set up the payment system
The payment system needs to be configured to accept payments for the entered rental rates. Typically, payment gateways such as PayPal or Stripe can be used for this purpose.
4. Create discount coupons
Discount coupons can be created and used to give customers discounted rates when they rent a product for a longer duration. This can be used to encourage customers to rent a product for a longer period of time and increase sales.
5. Use a plugin
There are various plugins available for Virtuemart that can be used to set up flexible pricing options for the store. One such plugin is the J2Store Flexible Pricing plugin, which enables store owners to set up multiple pricing tiers for a product, based on the rental duration selected by the customer.
Setting up flexible pricing options in Virtuemart is an easy process, provided the right plugins and custom fields are used. At Free Spirits, we have experience in developing and customizing Virtuemart stores for a range of clients. We can help you with any small or big project. Whether you need help setting up the store, configuring payment gateways, or creating custom fields, we can help.
Please contact us for any assistance you may need in setting up a rental store on Virtuemart.